Expecting guests? Here are a few helpful tips to optimize their stay in Puzl.
Sure thing! Your friends, clients, investors, partners, and job applicants are more than welcome to come over to Puzl Please keep in mind, that you are personally responsible for your guests. That...
If your guests are coming over only for a couple of hours you don't really need to register them. We try not to be too overzealous when it comes to tracking people in and out of Puzl. However, if you...
Puzl CowOrKing Sofia Just meet them at the front door of your floor. If for any reason you can't welcome them, please ask them to go to our reception where they can wait for you to pick them up. Puz...
Your guests are more than welcome to hang out at our kitchen areas or chill in our relax zones. If you have a more official meeting with them, you should probably also book a meeting room [https://puz...